Monday, June 24, 2013

10 Things I Want To See Implemented In Haunting Investigations | JayVay

Jeremy Vaeni offers ten new techniques for ghost hunters. Funny, but ya know, they could work . . . 
10 Things I Want To See Implemented In Haunting Investigations | JayVay: If it’s one thing people love more than ghost hunting, it’s short lists of inventive desires that kinda make sense but also entertain. Because I am love, I have combined the two for your reading pleasure. Here now are the top ten ideas, instruments, and people-as-instruments I honestly would love to see utilized in haunting investigations.

10.) Etch A Sketch

Forget EVP and EMF readings. Set an Etch A Sketch in the corner of the room and ask the presumed entity to draw something–even if it’s just to make a little line. This is something you could leave unmonitored in a locked room for as long as you needed, where the batteries wouldn’t drain and you wouldn’t have to strain to interpret the data like with EVPs. It may sound silly at first but think about it. It’s a simple non-electronic form of recorded communication.