Saturday, June 2, 2012

Remaining Skeptical Even When...

Watching The Dead Files last night, I wondered at one of the witnesses of ghostly activity who remained skeptical, even after years of ghostly happenings. Even after years of his wife and children telling him of their experiences. Even after years of his own experiences, which he admitted to, and still...

I knew someone who lived in a haunted house. Local news went out a couple of times, tons of people witnessed haunting type things, I experienced plenty of things myself on several occasions, and this person did as well. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to just come out and say "This place is haunted; there be ghosties about." He would only shrug, pretend like the conversation had nothing to do with ghosts, or just up and walk out.

Is the idea of ghosts so out of sync with one's ideas about "reality" that they continue to deny there's something "other" going on? Seems so. Whatever ghosts may be in terms of parsing paranormal definitions: residue energies, personality remnants, intelligent spirits, non-human entities, etc. it, like UFOs, are simply non-debatable. I no longer argue with others about the reality of these things. I understand being skeptical if one hasn't experienced hauntings directly, but once you have, how can you continue to be so goddamn stubborn?

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