Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Difficulties in Spirit Communication Explained | Michael Tymn blog on White Crow Books

Michael Tymn writes about paranormal researchers and mediums in the early 1900s and their experiences with what the spirits had to say about the difficulties of coming through.(Difficulties in Spirit Communication Explained | Michael Tymn blog on White Crow Books) As Tymn points out, skeptics love to use this very difficultly and its aftermath (supposed vague impressions, partial information, etc.) as proof there is no such thing as life after death, ghosts, and psychics. Tymn's article gives shares a few highly interesting offerings from those who have passed on. Tymn relates a few of these messages; here is a sampling:
Myers was just beginning to better appreciate the obstacles that spirits face in their attempts to communicate. “Tell them I am more stupid than some of those I deal with,” he continued as he struggled to remember the last time he had seen Lodge. He mentioned that he could not remember many things, not even his mother’s name. He went on to say that he felt like he was looking at a misty picture and that he could hear himself using Thompson’s voice but that he didn’t feel as if he were actually speaking. “It is funny to hear myself talking when it is not myself talking,” he went on. “It is not my whole self talking. When I am awake I known where I am.”

After Dr. Richard Hodgson, another researcher, died in 1905, he began communicating through the mediumship of Leonora Piper, the Boston medium he had studied for 18 years. “I find now difficulties such as a blind man would experience in trying to find his hat,” the surviving consciousness of Hodgson told Professor William Newbold in a July 23, 1906 sitting. “And I am not wholly conscious of my own utterances because they come out automatically, impressed upon the machine (Piper’s body)…I impress my thoughts on the machine which registers them at random, and which are at times doubtless difficult to understand. I understand so much better the modus operandi than I did when I was in your world.”

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